
News and Announcements

Friday, May 18, 2018

New Society? Or Old society?

I recently found a weird post about a society that believes in a shared digital consciousness. I’m currently trying to make my way into it and following the bread crumbs.

I found out that 404 page not found has something to do with this group. Could be another fake game. But I’m intrigued as their is reports of posters being placed in this persons town who made the original post I found.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

StrayedAway Voicemail

StrayedAway Voicemail

If you haven’t heard about the “crazy” voice mail yet you’re in luck. A twitter user by the name of strayed away posted a video of a cryptic voicemail he received and it translated into a warning! 

It’s been a crazy ride for those who want an answer. The thread quickly escalated from one video into threatening messages. The account is now deactivated so we may never get any real answers. 

Some users on 4chan speculate that this is an ARG for a new movie.

Original ARG:

What does all this mean? Who knows maybe on the 18th the world will end? Or a new movie will be announce?! 

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Saturday, January 20, 2018

Agenda 21 and Wild Fires[ Video ]


Cern And John Titor

Worldlines and My New Understanding.

I got dragged into reading about John Titor and then Mad Man Marcum (Normal-ish time travel). So after a day and a half of reading and videos I have decided I believe in the idea of Multi Worlds...

Looking into these guys brought me to some weird sites and sub reddits. From sites like and I have gathered that there is more then likely a world like ours with divergent's. But that doesn't mean some worlds aren't completely different. There could be worlds with no Humans at all. That is the exciting thing about this. All possibilities could exist all at once.

Lets talk about "devergent's"

These divergent's could be as small as 0.00001 percent or infinity higher. The lower the divergent the closer it is to our worldline. Something like Y2k happening could be our difference and even though its probably only a 1% difference that would change everything in the future and the further you go the bigger the change appears to be.

So say in another worldline the trade towers didn't go down so we didn't go to war many lives where left untouched. But that also means many more people in our country and less money spent on war which would change the outcome of our future to such an unimaginable unknown. We could end up over populating or maybe one of the lives spared comes up with a great invention that then changes humanity forever.

The thing is we would never know, because the "we" that is reading this didn't get to see that outcome. So it will always be an unknown outcome.

That unknown outcome exists in another world in theory though. So let's say that world and many others exist but they are untouchable by our world(as of right now). So if we could rip through the wall that holds us in even for a slight second we could see into that world. This is where the idea of a KERR black hole comes into play. The idea is that this hole could send us to any of these divergent universes.


Kerr black hole is an uncharged black hole that rotates about a central axis. It is named after the New Zealand mathematician Roy Kerr who, in 1963, became the first person to solve the field equations of Einstein's general theory of relativity for a situation of this kind.

With CERN and microscopic black holes this could potentially start a new age of understanding. We may in our life time understand that we are not alone, well at least not in this big container that holds all these dimensions and worldlines.
Microscopic black holes
Another way of revealing extra dimensions would be through the production of “microscopic black holes”. What exactly we would detect would depend on the number of extra dimensions, the mass of the black hole, the size of the dimensions and the energy at which the black hole occurs. If micro black holes do appear in the collisions created by the LHC, they would disintegrate rapidly, in around 10-27 seconds. They would decay into Standard Model or supersymmetric particles, creating events containing an exceptional number of tracks in our detectors, which we would easily spot. Finding more on any of these subjects would open the door to yet unknown possibilities.
So this my beliefs after only a short time reading about these ideas and theory's. There is other worlds all around us like a paper fan's sides folded up, they exist but never touch... Yet..

Oh Reddit

voteIn a parallel universe

John Titor: Time Travel, Russia, Nukes?!

Well let's get started with this simple line of text, everything from this point on is theory. Nothing in this article is fact. Do not take this as fact, do not claim me as a source of proof.. 

The Idea.

So with the election coming up and the conflict with Russia seeming to be more and more in the media then ever before I have been thinking about a guy I read about John Titor.

John Titor claimed to be a "time traveler", but from my understanding he was more of a "dimension jumper".  For this to be true the multi-universe theory would have to be true. He claims he came from an alternate timeline from the year 3036 (I believe that's the date). In his time his United States became a power house who didn't have the best interest of freedom and it's people.

So a rebellion broke out, a civil war starts. 

From this civil war the rebels where born, they where fighting for the "people" against a corrupt government. Isn't this the age old tale of every nation everywhere at one point and time? Well here's where it gets interesting, in 2005 the war started the fighting broke out all over the nation, obviously this didn't happen in our timeline. But that's what is considered a variant, something that isn't the same.
So on with the tale, the United States was part of a thing called United Federation Empire. Could this be the "UN" of our timeline? I've noticed our military bases fly the UN flag now.

Here Comes The End

So as the story goes in 2015 Russia steps in. It uses tactical nukes and strikes key points destroying the "evil" empire. America has to rebuild and the rebels look at this as a helpful attack from Russia. Other things that where destroyed where the European Union, can anyone say the brexit of our time?
China was also destroyed, Russia became the biggest trade partner of the New America.

Could This Be Happening Now? 

With how Putin see's Hillary could this war be in our future? No citizen is truly happy with the choices we have for our commander and chief. With Wikileaks coming into the light of mainstream media and under attack because the truth must be silenced. Could this be it? Could the people start to rebel?
With Trump's stance could we become close to Russia, just to turn on them? Could Putin get sick of Trumps arrogance and come to the peoples aid?
I guess only time will tell.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

How to mine with a nVidia GPU. Mine x11 (such as darkcoin) and autoconvert to dat sweet sweet doge.

Hey. So, you've probably heard that mining scrypt coins doge and litecoin is super hard now due to ASICs, and isn't worthwhile on a GPU anymore. Well, here's how to mine other coins that use an algorithm called x11 (as opposed to scrypt) and have them autoconverted and paid to you in doge. (will also autoconvert to another coin, if for some crazy reason you don't want doge).
  1. Have an nVidia GPU, preferably 600 series or later, and 50 or higher, such as 650, 750, etc.. These will be best for mining, but I'm not gonna guarantee profitability over electricity costs, that will depend on your set up and hardware and cost of electricity. nVidia cards are way better for mining x11 than AMD cards right now, for some reason the development of the mining software has really been rapid for nVidia, not so much for AMD, sorry AMD people you'll have to look elsewhere for how to mine.
  2. Determine your compute capability of your card. (will be something like 3.5, or 5.0 etc..) Remember this number.
  3. Download and install the latest graphics card drivers from nVidia if you aren't up to date already
  4. (not necessary for gtx970 and 980) Download and install the CUDA software from nVidia
  5. Restart your computer.
  6. Download and extract the latest version (1.5.1 as of now) of ccminer from here Here's the announcement thread for that software to stay up to date and learn more. If your GPU has a compute capability less than 3.0 (from step 2.) then you are using a card with an older architecture, and it is not supported in the latest version. You will need to download an older version of ccminer, one that has a ccminer.exe file in the zip that ends with the two digits of your card's compute capability (e.g. ccminer21.exe if compute capability is 2.1).
  7. In the extracted folder (the one where the ccminer-30-35-50-52.exe is) create a .txt file. Inside that file copy paste this code (4 lines):
    @ECHO off
    ccminer-30-35-50-52.exe --algo=x11 -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOURWALLETADDRESSTOMINETOHERE.worker1 -p x 
  8. Save that file as wowsuchdig.txt. Now right click on it in the folder and change the extension to wowsuchdig.bat.
  9. Double click wowsuchdig.bat
  10. Profit! You are now profit switching mining x11 coins on an awesome pool called This pool converts those coins to doge for you, and then sends the value in doge. You can go there for statistics on your account (your address is your username, there is no sign up). Also check out their getting started guide. You may also want to change your port (in the .bat file) from stratum+tcp:// to stratum+tcp:// if you have a very good card.
Now you're set up. There's more stuff, like overclocking, but I won't get into that here. Congratz :)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Set Up Your Own Email Server - Video

TechChop - This is the final episode of Tech Chop! For the finale, we thought we would bring you something you could use to avoid the NSA's PRISM program (At least for email) by setting up your own secure email server on Ubuntu Linux using iRedMail. Distributed by




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